Many, many times I started my day with a ‘what if I do this’ or ‘what if I did that’ or ‘what if this happens’ or ‘what if, what if, what if??’ This began my day with the feeling of I am going to allow outside forces to control my journey. Places me stuck is someone else’s rut!

How about spinning that around and ask yourself ‘What now?’…..Whoa the possibilities created open the roads, clears the way, puts you in charge of every situation in your path.

What now takes care of ‘SELF’ a hard pill to swallow for some. Much wisdoms have been said ‘if you don’t take care of yourself….how will you take care of others?’ Or ‘It all begins with Me’. Think of this not as selfish but selfless as when you hold your head high in confidence, your body standing tall, your spirit is soaring…..What Now my friend…..WHAT NOW???

In gratitude
