How do you keep yourself in a constant state of learning? In the early 80’s I had the pleasure to see motivational business speaker Brian Tracy under the sails of Canada Place in Vancouver, BC. His talk and wisdom set me on this path of always wanting to learn more and to be curious. He mentioned one of his successes came from daily reading of business books (just an hour a day) In this day of digital media we are getting information from news feeds/alerts, tweets, blogs or email blasts on how to run a successful business …. I still love the BOOK. Choosing the book and holding it in your hand shows commitment, feels tangible, and puts you in charge of your knowledge. So grab a highlighter or Post-it notes and start your journey of learning.

‘Investment of self always adds value to your Life’

In gratitude

Jeanette Y Martin

PS: Just finished ‘The Happiness Equations’ by Neil Pasricha and currently reading ‘The Coaching Habits’ by Michael Bungay Stanley.

#artofleadership #briantracy #motivational #learning #books